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Effective Treatment

I was injured in an accident in April of 2005 resulting in left and right knee pain, neck and back pain, and right shoulder pain.

I was in severe pain for more than two and a half years, making basic everyday activities like combing my hair, lifting and carrying things, and even tying my shoes a chore. What’s worse, I couldn’t lift my child, making it difficult to care for her.

I missed 13 weeks of work and although my job is not strenuous or physical, even basic typing was a problem. But I had to deal with the pain, I had no choice.

After undergoing shoulder surgery, I decided to try DHD Medical, P.C. because it’s conveniently located near my home and Dr. Delman came very highly recommended. He was also suggested as a preferred provider, New York Workers' Compensation Doctor. Once I started treatment, I appreciated how thorough Dr. Delman was in his examinations. He explained my conditions in simple terms and put together a goal-based treatment plan.

The staff at Dr. Delman’s office was very professional. I would walk out of the exam knowing the status of my condition and my stage of healing. The staff also helped facilitate appointments with other physicians as directed by Dr. Delman.

I truly believe that the confidence that I had in Dr. Delman and the comfort that I felt with his office support staff helped the healing process and I highly recommend him.

Paul D.

Take the Next Step

Are you ready to take the next step in being free from pain and injury? Contact an MSR supported physician.